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Title: Rotary Table Inertia Calculator v1.1
Number: eng04.018a
Date: 04/22/2004
Description: This Excel spreadsheet allows the user to calculate the inertia for a typical rotary table application. SigmaSize is not capable of modeling this type of application, so instead this tool can be used to calculate the table inertia, which can then be plugged into SigmaSize ("Special" tab, "Other Rotating Inertia" entry). The utility allows for both round and rectangular cutouts on the table, as well as both point masses and rectangular masses.
Rev Number:
Language: English
Doc Type: Software
Doc SubType: Engineering Tools

Product Information

Product Group: Servo Products
Product Line: SGDH Sigma II, SGMBH Sigma II, SGMCS Direct Drive, SGMPH Sigma II