Machine Controllers
Machine Controllers
Our software tools offer intuitive, powerful programming capabilities within a familiar IEC61131-3 environment, and OPC Server allows easy data exchange between PCs and MPiec controllers.

- iCube Engineer Next generation IEC61131-3 Programming Environment
- MotionWorks IEC IEC611311-3 Programming Environment
- Application Code Toolboxes Designed for use in many applications using MPiec Series Controllers and MotionWorks IEC software
- 5-Axis Simultaneous Toolbox The 5-Axis Simultaneous Control Toolbox is REQUIRED with the MP3300iec-ER controller to unlock 5 and 6 degrees of freedom for G-code applications.
- OPC Server Machine monitor via PC applications.
- HMI Designer HMI screen development software customized to integrate specifically with Yaskawa HMIs
- Movicon HMI Editor Powerful and flexible HMI programming package.
A Total System for Total Control

- iC9200 The iC9200 is a machine controller for motion, logic, kinematics, safety, security and more
- iCube Engineer Next generation IEC61131-3 Programming Environment
The motion engine of MPiec controllers incorporates IEC61131-3 and PLCopen programming standards, offering users motion control options from a single axis to as many as 62.

- MP3200iec Up to 62 Axes
- MP3300iec Up to 62 Axes
- MP2310iec Up to 16 Axes
- MP2300Siec Up to 16 Axes
- MP2600iec 1.5 Axis
- Sigma-7Siec 1 Axis
The IEC Robot Controller utilizes the same IEC61131-3 and PLCopen programming standards to program Yaskawa delta and articulated robot robots up to 32 auxiliary axes.

- MP3300iec-RBT Yaskawa Delta and Articulated Robots up to 32 Axes
Together with the 5-Axis Simultaneous Control Toolbox, the IEC 5-Axis Simultaneous Control G-Code controller enables 5 or 6 axis simultaneous interpolation of G-code applications. This is an export restricted product with the ECCN of 2D002.

- MP3300iec-ER 5 or 6 Axis simul G-code control with total axis count of up to 62 Axes
Yaskawa offers a range of HMI that can meet your visualization application needs.

- smartPanel The smartest choice for high usability, performance and connectivity to Yaskawa Controllers
- Panel PC The top choice for intelligent control and monitoring with PC performance
Yaskawa offers both MECHATROLINK and EtherNet/IP remote IOs that are supported by MotionWorks IEC. Other fieldbus IOs are also available.

- SLIO Modules E/IP and M-III supported by MotionWorks IEC
- Yaskawa Remote IO Modules Yaskawa offers MECHATROLINK-II and MECHATROLINK-III remote IO modules for demanding applications.