SigmaWin+ Ver. 7
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SigmaWin+ Ver. 7
SigmaWin+ Ver. 7
Sigma-7 SigmaWin Plus - YAI

Fast, easy commissioning and adjustment
SigmaWin+ Ver. 7 makes the setup and tuning of Yaskawa SERVOPACKs quicker, simpler and more trouble free. Perform mechanical analysis, simulations and manual adjustments to precisely tune servo system output, all from your personal computer.
SigmaWin+ Ver. 7 - Overview
Powerful Servo System Configuration
Set up all the servo amplifiers in an entire machine from the intuitive interface of SigmaWin+ Ver. 7. Follow the wizards to optimize setup ease, or take detailed control of individual operating parameters on any SERVOPACK in the system.
- Improved interface
Simple, user-friendly software requires no advanced expertise - System-wide capability
Configures all the amplifiers on a machine at the same time - Single parameter file
Creates one parameter file for all of your machine’s SERVOPACKs - More compatibility
Designed for use with any Sigma-5 or Sigma-7 SERVOPACK - Checks wiring
Built-in wizard spots all wiring errors in a single operation - Trace function
Real-time function traces adjustment state instantly - "Tuning-less" Mode
Automatically adjusts tuning gains for reliably stable motion, even with inertia ratios up to 30:1 - Advanced tuning functions
Vibration suppression, anti-resonance compensation, friction model and ripple compensation - Maintenance
Alarm diagnostic function: determines possible alarm causes and suggests corrective actions
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