Z1000 Configured
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Z1000 Configured
Z1000 Configured
Z1000 Configured
1 - 500 HP HVAC-Specific AC Drive with Disconnect Switch
The Z1000 Configured package provides a Z1000 Drive in a NEMA 1 (uL Type 1), NEMA 12 (uL Type 12), or NEMA 3R (uL Type 3R) enclosure, with space for several commonly used options, such as reactors, fuses, circuit breakers, etc. The Z1000 Configured has been designed for flexibility in providing the features and options commonly demanded by HVAC control designers. The Z1000 Configured is BTL listed, view listing.
This Configured package is designed for tough environments. It is rugged and reliable. A variety of enclosure options provide the right environmental protection.
The Z1000 Configured supports a variety of communication protocols. Input "non-fused" disconnect is standard.
Showing 1 to 17 of 17 entries.
Title/Number | File(s) | Rev Date | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, NEMA Type 1, With Option PF OR Option PR DS.Z1C1.01 80KB 169KB 108KBRev Date:10/28/2016
169KB 108KB |
10/28/2016 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, NEMA Type 1, With Option PF AND Option PR DS.Z1C1.02 291KB 178KB 110KBRev Date:10/28/2016
178KB 110KB |
10/28/2016 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 12, Standard DS.Z1C2.01 339KB 201KB 136KBRev Date:03/27/2017
201KB 136KB |
03/27/2017 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 12, Option PY (Dual Motor 'OR') DS.Z1C2.02 209KB 372KB 160KBRev Date:03/28/2014
372KB 160KB |
03/28/2014 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 12, Option PA (Dual Motor 'AND') DS.Z1C2.03 350KB 252KB 143KBRev Date:03/27/2017
252KB 143KB |
03/27/2017 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 3R, Wall Mount Cabinets W1 thru W3 - Standard DS.Z1C3.01 494KB 386KB 162KBRev Date:03/28/2014
386KB 162KB |
03/28/2014 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 3R, Wall Mount Cabinet W4 and Floor Mount Cabinet F1 without Heat Sink Fans - Standard DS.Z1C3.02 165KB 503KB 402KBRev Date:03/28/2014
503KB 402KB |
03/28/2014 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 3R, Floor Mount Cabinet F1 with Heat Sink Fans - Standard DS.Z1C3.03 514KB 172KB 416KBRev Date:03/28/2014
172KB 416KB |
03/28/2014 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 3R, Floor Mount Cabinet F2 - Standard DS.Z1C3.04 505KB 400KB 165KBRev Date:03/28/2014
400KB 165KB |
03/28/2014 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 3R, Wall Mount Cabinets W1 thru W3 - with Option PA DS.Z1C3.05 168KB 492KB 408KBRev Date:03/28/2014
492KB 408KB |
03/28/2014 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 3R, Wall Mount Cabinet W4 and Floor Mount Cabinet F1 without Heat Sink Fans - with Option PA DS.Z1C3.06 171KB 500KB 414KBRev Date:03/28/2014
500KB 414KB |
03/28/2014 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 3R, Floor Mount Cabinet F1 with Heat Sink Fans - with Option PA DS.Z1C3.07 512KB 431KB 177KBRev Date:03/28/2014
431KB 177KB |
03/28/2014 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 3R, Floor Mount Cabinet F2 - with Option PA DS.Z1C3.08 171KB 415KB 502KBRev Date:03/28/2014
415KB 502KB |
03/28/2014 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 3R, Wall Mount Cabinets W1 thru W3 - with Option PY DS.Z1C3.09 178KB 509KB 429KBRev Date:03/28/2014
509KB 429KB |
03/28/2014 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 3R, Wall Mount Cabinet W4 and Floor Mount Cabinet F1 without Heat Sink Fans - with Option PY DS.Z1C3.10 513KB 180KB 435KBRev Date:03/28/2014
180KB 435KB |
03/28/2014 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 3R, Floor Mount Cabinet F1 with Heat Sink Fans - with Option PY DS.Z1C3.11 446KB 524KB 184KBRev Date:03/28/2014
524KB 184KB |
03/28/2014 | |
Schematic Diagram for Z1000 Configured, Type 3R, Floor Mount Cabinet F2 - with Option PY DS.Z1C3.12 516KB 436KB 181KBRev Date:03/28/2014
436KB 181KB |
03/28/2014 | |
Showing 1 to 17 of 17 entries.