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J1000 Drive

J1000 Drive

J1000 Drive - YAIALL


Mechanical Drawings

J1000 Drive-Drawings

200-240V 1-Phase | 200-240V 3-Phase | 380-480V 3-Phase

200-240V, 1-Phase

Drive Model Number Normal Duty Heavy Duty Physical Dimensions (in.) Weight (lbs.)1 2D Model
3D Solid
Rated Output
Current (Amps)
Nominal HP Rated Output
Current (Amps)
Nominal HP H W D
CIMR-JUBA0001BAA 1.2 1/8 & 1/4 0.8 1/8 5.00 2.68 2.99 1.8 DD.J1K.FR1.IP20 SM.J1K.FR1.IP20
CIMR-JUBA0002BAA 1.9 1/4 1.6 1/4 1.8
CIMR-JUBA0003BAA 3.3 1/2 & 3/4 3.0 1/2 5.00 2.68 4.65 2.6 DD.J1K.FR3.IP20 SM.J1K.FR3.IP20
CIMR-JUBA0006BAA 6.0 1 & 1.5 5.0 3/4 & 1 4.25 5.41 4.2 DD.J1K.FR8.IP20 SM.J1K.FR8B.IP20
CIMR-JUBA0010BAA 9.6 2 & 3 8.0 2 5.00 4.25 6.06 4.4 DD.J1K.FR10.IP20 SM.J1K.FR10.IP20
  1. This data represents the drive weight only, not shipping weight.

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200-240V, 3-Phase

Drive Model Number Normal Duty Heavy Duty Physical Dimensions (in.) Weight (lbs.)1 2D Model
3D Solid
Rated Output
Current (Amps)
Nominal HP Rated Output
Current (Amps)
Nominal HP H W D
CIMR-JU2A0001BAA 1.2 1/8 & 1/4 0.8 1/8 5.00 2.68 2.99 1.8 DD.J1K.FR1.IP20 SM.J1K.FR1.IP20
CIMR-JUBA0002BAA 1.9 1/4 1.6 1/4 1.8
CIMR-JU2A0004BAA 3.5 1/2 & 3/4 3 1/2 4.25 2.4 DD.J1K.FR2.IP20 SM.J1K.FR2.IP20
CIMR-JU2A0006BAA 6.0 1 & 1.5 5 3/4 & 1 5.00 2.68 5.04 2.9 DD.J1K.FR4.IP20 SM.J1K.FR4.IP20
CIMR-JU2A0010BAA 9.6 2 & 3 8 2 4.25 5.08 4.2 DD.J1K.FR7.IP20 SM.J1K.FR7.IP20
CIMR-JU2A0012BAA 12.0 3 11 3 5.00 4.25 5.41 4.2 DD.J1K.FR8.FAN.OPEN SM.J1K.FR8A.IP20
CIMR-JU2A0020BAA 19.6 5 17.5 5 5.00 5.51 5.63 5.7 DD.J1K.FR11.IP20 SM.J1K.FR11.IP20
  1. This data represents the drive weight only, not shipping weight.

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380-480V, 3-Phase

New Drive Model Number Normal Duty Heavy Duty Physical Dimensions (in.) Weight (lbs.)1 2D Model
3D Solid
Rated Output
Current (Amps)
Nominal HP Rated Output
Current (Amps)
Nominal HP H W D
CIMR-JU4A0001BAA 1.2 1/2 1.2 1/2 5.00 4.25 3.19 2.6 DD.J1K.FR5.IP20 SM.J1K.FR5.IP20
CIMR-JU4A0002BAA 2.1 3/4 & 1 1.8 3/4 3.90 3.1 DD.J1K.FR6.IP20 SM.J1K.FR6.IP20
CIMR-JU4A0004BAA 4.1 2 3.4 1 & 2 5.00 4.25 5.41 3.5 DD.J1K.FR8.IP20 SM.J1K.FR8B.IP20
CIMR-JU4A0005BAA 5.4 3 4.8 3 6.06 4.2 DD.J1K.FR9.IP20 SM.J1K.FR9.IP20
CIMR-JU4A0007BAA 6.9 4 5.5 3 5.00 4.25 6.06 4.2 DD.J1K.FR9.IP20 SM.J1K.FR9.IP20
CIMR-JU4A0009BAA 8.8 5 7.2 4 6.06 4.2
CIMR-JU4A0011BAA 11.1 7.5 9.2 5 5.00 5.51 5.63 5.7 DD.J1K.FR11.IP20 SM.J1K.FR11.IP20
  1. This data represents the drive weight only, not shipping weight.

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